
Nov 30, 2018 - 08:38 AM
Quora, a publicly mediated question and answer forum, relies on a system of upvotes and contributions from the expert community to provide insightful answers. It’s basically a more authoritative version of Yahoo Answers. These answers also tend to be higher quality than those on other sites like Reddit.
If you Google a question, Quora will likely be high on the results pages. While most people do not explicitly navigate to Quora, links to the Q&A aggregating website tend to pop up in organic search results. Quora estimates that they receive over 200 million unique monthly visitors.
Although many brands love running ads on Facebook and Google, you shouldn’t throw your entire advertising budget into these dominant platforms. Quora offers a viable alternative. Lorry Destainville at Quora says this about advertising on the platform:
Quora ads are only available on an auction basis, meaning that we require advertisers to specify a bid value they are willing to pay for a click. Based on performance and competition, our system will then determine the cost of that click, which will never be more than the bid entered by the advertiser. Budgets can be as low as just a few dollars as there is no minimum spend required to get started…”
Changing your message to target where the user’s intent lies is a quick way to target ads on Quora, and the question-based format makes it easy to track user intent. Now, let’s take a closer look at some tools to make Quora ads work for you.
The better you target a user on Quora at the right time, the better your results will be. To this end, try remarketing, or targeting ads to a user based on their online history.
Quora lets you see how many of your current site visitors also visit Quora. Just add the Quora Pixel to your site to get an overview of unique visitors. If a good percentage of your visitors visit Quora as well, remarketing will be your best friend.
Lookalike Audiences
A lookalike audience means Quora will make a new audience based on users similar to your present audience. This lets you expand your reach to new audiences while narrowing your targeting.
With lookalikes, you need to change your copy to highlight your offers and introduce your brand to the new users you wish to attract. Quora has introduced image ads which are a perfect way to showcase your products to new audiences that have demonstrated similar behavioral patterns to your current users.
The only catch here is that Quora requires you to have a lookalike audience based on a current audience that already has at least 3000 users.
· List Match Audiences
With List Match Audiences, you segment your customer lists based on how they are currently interacting, and have previously interacted, with your brand. The last thing you want to do is to show the same ad to someone who recently signed up for your newsletter as to someone who frequently buys from your store.
With a List Match Audience, for example, you can target users who bought an item in the past with relevant ads. Since they’re already familiar with your brand, you can create ads that are specific to them without having to reintroduce your brand. This lets you focus your efforts on selling more related products, since you know what they have purchased before.
Here are some categories you might use to create a List Match Audience:
Current clients
Past converters
Newsletter signups
Buyers of specific products and services
Conference attendees
Seasonal buyers
Non-converters (for possible exclusion)
Quora provides a targeting option, just like other digital advertising platforms:
Topics: with this option, you can target topics that are relevant to your product or service
Interests: target users based on what topics they are interested in or have recently read about
Questions: question targeting enables you to target questions that are relevant to your product or service (more on this below)
Audience: target users who have previously visited your website
Location: target users at the state, country, city, or zip code level
Platform: target desktop and/or mobile users
More on Question Targeting
Since Quora is all about questions and answers, this is by far the best form of targeting on Quora’s advertising platform. Here you choose the questions that people are already asking on Quora, and place your ads on those pages. The questions help you give relevant ads based on user intent.
You can target three typical types of questions:
1. Discovery question
“What are the best excavator brands?”
This question was likely asked by someone unfamiliar with excavator brands. The best way to get in front of this user is to offer a link to an informative, well-written piece explaining different types of excavators or a specific brand of excavators that you want to sell.
2. Consideration question
“What is the best-rated diesel-propelled excavator?”
This user understands excavators, but wants to know which excavator will be the right fit for their needs.
You’ll want to turn their attention toward you and away from the competition. A compelling Call to Action is important. You also need to write ad copy that shows your brand is the best option for them.
3. Purchase question
“Where is the best place to buy an excavator?”
In response to this question, your Quora Ad might use “Buy Now” messaging while pushing brand value. Such an ad could read: “Find the top rated Sqy Excavator near you.”
This is just the tip of the iceberg on how you can make Quora ads work for you. Since the platform’s advertising feature just launched recently, statistics with empirical evidence on its successes may be low, but it seems promising. You should give it a try and tell us how it goes.
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