
Jan 17, 2021 - 06:14 PM
It's true that keeping round figures is advisable because a study by Wadhwa and Zhang done in 2015 shows that round figures in pricing are processed fluently while non-round figures are not.
Further studies on the same show that if your product is going to be an emotional purchase like a luxury product, round prices will work best.
All of that is uncontroversial. The question is, when you convert currencies, would your customers like to pay the exact amount if it is less, say $16.53 or $17? I personally would like to pay less.
You could argue that if they buy a lot from you, then over time it evens out. Amounts where the fractional part is less than 50 cents get rounded down to make up for those times when the amount is rounded up.
If you choose to show round figures, I think it is important to be transparent. Maybe have a “how we convert currencies” next to the privacy link (or on the checkout page) that explains what you do.
That said, if you choose to use round figures below are some ways to do it for both Shopify and Woocommerce.
Image source: Techrish
Shopify has apps to help you with displaying rounded figures after currency conversion. Here are a few of them:
• Dynamic Currency Converter which provides three methods of rounding. It has four pricing plans, the cheapest of which is free and the most expensive is $19.99 per month.
• Currency Converter Box which is free of charge and also offers different rounding rules after the decimal point.
• Coin Currency Converter which gives you full control over how your converted currencies will be displayed.
• Currency Converter Plus which gives you optional rounding of the converted prices as well as the correct number of digits after the decimal separator.
• Power Currency Converter which enables you to tweak prices as you want them to look after the decimal point and also offers a flags theme.
• Auto Currency Switcher converts new figures into easily readable ones by removing the digits after the decimal points. It also automatically detects the user's country automatically.
• Multi Currency Converter gives different options to round the converted prices and is optimized across desktop, tablet, and mobile.
• Ultimate Currency Converter which, besides rounding the decimal places for you, supports over 200 currencies including bitcoin.
Image source: Moosend
WooCommerce also has a few plugins that can be of help and here they are:
• WooCommerce Multi Currency which enables your store to instantly switch currencies and re-calculate rates on the go.
• Currency Switcher for WooCommerce also lets you choose the rounding off option that you prefer.
• WooCommerce Currency Switcher which has two versions; the free one offers you two currencies while the premium one offers unlimited currencies to convert to.
• Price Based on Country for WooCommerce is another plugin whose pro version enables you to round figures off to the decimal points you prefer.
If people enjoy how your store looks then they patronise it and one way of giving it a great aesthetic is by getting rid of those decimals that make your prices appear higher hence put off potential customers.
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