May 24, 2022 - 08:04 PM
I see no problem. You got them to opt-in once and they identify with you, so it should not be a violation of CANSpam laws. Just send an email letting them know that the business failed and that you are pivoting and then say: If you no longer want to hear from us you may unsubscribe and include an unsubscribe link.
When you send subsequent emails include some verbiage in the footer on how they got on the list e.g.
Why are you receiving this email? Because you opted in to the FailedBusiness list. We've since pivoted and rebranded to NewBusiness.
That should do it. You invested in building a decent sized list so you should try and use every advantage possible on your next try. Good luck to you.
When you send subsequent emails include some verbiage in the footer on how they got on the list e.g.
Why are you receiving this email? Because you opted in to the FailedBusiness list. We've since pivoted and rebranded to NewBusiness.
That should do it. You invested in building a decent sized list so you should try and use every advantage possible on your next try. Good luck to you.
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