
Mar 19, 2018 - 02:20 PM
Personally I've never read a book on how to throw a great event. I just dived in the pool and run 5 successful events per month in the Seattle area. Here's my formula:
1. Find a speaker first, let them help determine the date this is your best magnet for getting guests, 30 days out gives you a good time frame, don't make the event huge in your head if it's your first you might even just wanna invite 10 friends and order a box of pizza.
2. Talk to restaurants or a workspace and choose who you want to work with, you're driving traffic so you shouldnt pay for it unless it's super premium and they're not getting any value (most of the time they are).
3. Create a Meetup page on meetup dot com and invite potential members from other groups to check yours out. You can tell if your group is going to be successful by seeing if your demographic exists already. As time goes on more and more people will join your meetup. You can also invite them with a VA if you wanna mass scale this option.
I was able to get my meetup group to 1500 plus people in 3 months this way (then I stopped and we just hit 3000 members on meetup)
4. After about 100 people join your group through creating one you can have your first event and announce it on Meetup. On meetup you can also email blast all the members on when you announce an event, you can also have your VA or personally message each one yourself inviting them with your script. A week before the event send a reminder email out.
5. If the event is free 30% people will show up, if it's paid about 80% will go. Either way pass your laptop around during the event and make sure to get everyone's name, email, who they want to connect to and what they do. (LinkedIn if they don't wanna give email out) blast the group this list after the event.
6. Create a Facebook group meetup dot com doesn't have a great community option, people definitely chat a lot more on Facebook groups. You can push people to your Facebook group through meet up email blasts.
7. Rinse and repeat, ask me any questions
1. Find a speaker first, let them help determine the date this is your best magnet for getting guests, 30 days out gives you a good time frame, don't make the event huge in your head if it's your first you might even just wanna invite 10 friends and order a box of pizza.
2. Talk to restaurants or a workspace and choose who you want to work with, you're driving traffic so you shouldnt pay for it unless it's super premium and they're not getting any value (most of the time they are).
3. Create a Meetup page on meetup dot com and invite potential members from other groups to check yours out. You can tell if your group is going to be successful by seeing if your demographic exists already. As time goes on more and more people will join your meetup. You can also invite them with a VA if you wanna mass scale this option.
I was able to get my meetup group to 1500 plus people in 3 months this way (then I stopped and we just hit 3000 members on meetup)
4. After about 100 people join your group through creating one you can have your first event and announce it on Meetup. On meetup you can also email blast all the members on when you announce an event, you can also have your VA or personally message each one yourself inviting them with your script. A week before the event send a reminder email out.
5. If the event is free 30% people will show up, if it's paid about 80% will go. Either way pass your laptop around during the event and make sure to get everyone's name, email, who they want to connect to and what they do. (LinkedIn if they don't wanna give email out) blast the group this list after the event.
6. Create a Facebook group meetup dot com doesn't have a great community option, people definitely chat a lot more on Facebook groups. You can push people to your Facebook group through meet up email blasts.
7. Rinse and repeat, ask me any questions
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